Ex-Arsenal goalkeeper, Peter Cech - "I left Chelsea because of Courtois"

Ex-Arsenal goalkeeper, Peter Cech, told why he decided to leave Chelsea back then. The 'culpable' person was current Real Madrid goalkeeper, Thibaut Courtois.
In the summer of 2015, Cech opted to change teams. He said goodbye to Chelsea and moved to Arsenal.

That was 5 years ago. The keeper explained his reasons for leaving Stamford Bridge. "I wasn't happy at all," he revealed in statements collected by 'Sport'.
Cech wasn't willing to always be in Courtois' shadow: "In a team, you can only have one goalie playing every week. And, unfortunately, that's how it was".
After a year like that, Cech opted to go to Arsenal. There he achieved what he always wanted: to be the starting keeper.

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